The Failing Societies
When the credibility of the pillars is questioned
What to expect of the sentries positioned!
When the honesty of priests is suspicious
Don’t expect from pupils – though gifted and precious
When the energy of the mother is used and she is discarded!
Don’t expect success and fame even though you’re respected
When the commoners are dishonest and let loosed
What to expect of those whom they choose!
When the hands of a judge tremble to hold the scale
Then the picture gets Clear and falls before the eyes all scales
When the blood of a soldier is wasted and forget
Then the nations fail irrespective of huge armies and big jets!
When the accumulation of things becomes a sign of greatness
Then loot, lies, and, dishonesty are considered correctness
When law knower become enemy of justice
Then courts become satan’s concubine and mistress
When the poor workers dwell in unbearable stress
God never allows the wealthy of this nation to rest
When the vulnerable are raped, deprived, and burnt
Then the generations of the superiors remain unhappy and unlearnt