Editor’s Note – Reclaiming Press freedoms
This week’s edition of The Students’ Herald is dedicated to those journalists who risk their lives in pursuit of the truth. We at The Students’ Herald recognise the unprecedented challenge facing journalists today; media workers across the country face gruelling pressures from not just their employers, but also the state. Many workers at newspapers and television channels have not…
What Eqbal Ahmad Means to Students
Kumail Haider Jafri Late in the night, Eqbal Ahmad made his way to the podium in a University of Massachusetts’ auditorium in 1975 to a rather tired crowd. He left the stage as an electrified crowd cheered him on to continue. Yes, it was charisma, eloquence, foresight and clarity which allowed Eqbal to be an…
Parasite – a review
For a long time, films were analysed in a one-dimensional way. Many critics conveniently brush this form of art under the umbrella of “storytelling” – and this notion itself was pretty exclusionary and naïve. Throughout the history of cinema, many filmmakers have challenged this notion by using different techniques such as symbolism, lighting, cinematography and…
Editor’s Note
This week’s edition – themed Profiting from a Pandemic – is meant to expose the reality of what we unapologetically call the ‘education mafia.’ This mafia essentially comprises all those involved in deciding the framework of our education system and the fate of students – from officials in government to the businessmen who have invested in and…