Book Review: Pakistan Beyond the Crisis State

Book Review: Pakistan Beyond the Crisis State

In this piece, Muhammad Shehryar reviews the latest book which has been compiled and edited by Pakistan’s former top ambassador; Maleeha Lodhi. If you take a closer look at the history of Pakistan and the current situation, you will see Pakistan falling into a never-ending pit. If we look at the history of Pakistan, our…

Film Review, Swipe:

Film Review: Swipe

Hamza Waqas, Balach Khan Puffball studio’s new short animated film, titled Swipe, is being screened in collaboration with universities and schools around the country. The film comes after the massive success of their previous work, Shehr e Tabassum (The city of smiles).   Both films mark the rise of an important emerging genre in Pakistani…

Parasite – a review

Parasite – a review

For a long time, films were analysed in a one-dimensional way. Many critics conveniently brush this form of art under the umbrella of “storytelling” – and this notion itself was pretty exclusionary and naïve. Throughout the history of cinema, many filmmakers have challenged this notion by using different techniques such as symbolism, lighting, cinematography and…