
Rally against forced disappearances of Baloch Students held in Punjab University

Report: Laiba Ali A rally was held by Baloch Students Council at Punjab University Lahore Quaid e Azam campus to protest against the forced disappearance of Baloch students. Different student councils and organizations including Progressive Students Collective actively took part in the demonstration. About 200 students gathered in front of the Cultural Studies department on…

Separate Seraiki Province – A Political Struggle

Separate Seraiki Province – A Political Struggle

Pakistan is an ethnically diverse country. There are different ethnicities in Pakistan and most of the ethnic minorities are oppressed and they don’t have their fundamental rights. Seraiki is also one of the subjugated ethnicities in Pakistan. There are 35 million people are seraiki in Pakistan but they don’t have their identity as an ethnicity….

Perilous Side of Social Media

Do you think your future is private in this modern era of 21st century? The concept about your data, how they obtain it, and what they do with it can be properly explained by the term Surveillance capitalism, artificial intelligence? and surveillance capitalism is an economic system centered on the commodification of personal data with…

English Medium as a Social Capital and the Post-Colonial Dream

English Medium as a Social Capital and the Post-Colonial Dream

The language of the Lords has had and continues to have an iron clasp on the post-colonial nation and their dreams. In Pakistan, intelligence is a measure of how proficient in English you are. The language has close ties with the ideas of perceived status, class and value. It is a rather curious case despite…


VON WILLEBRAND DISEASE: An underdiagnosed and misdiagnosed blood disorder in Pakistan

Von Willebrand disease is a common inherited bleeding disorder caused by a quantitative deficiency or qualitative defect of Von Willebrand factor. It is the commonest inherited bleeding disorder,yet it remains underdiagnosed or misdiagnosed in Pakistan.The disease was first described by Dr Erik Von Willebrand in 1926 in the Aland Archipelago. VWF is synthesized by the…

Seed of Extremism turned into a Healthy Tree
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Seed of Extremism turned into a Healthy Tree

The recent Sialkot incident where a radical mob assassinated a Sri Lankan businessman accusing of blasphemy demonstrates the level of radical Islamist mind-set of not just hundreds of people who were directly involved in the incident but of masses of the Pakistani population. The wave of radicalism and intolerance has gone beyond limits. The incident…

A case of competing political theologies
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A case of competing political theologies

Recent case of mob violence in Sialkot has brought again the blasphemy to the fore. The issue is thought of as extremist violence of fanatic religious mob stripped off of any political depth and meaning in it, which is another instance of an oversimplifying oriental attitude towards South Asian cosmologies. These narratives tend to think…