Religious fundamentalism and Female political spaces

Religious fundamentalism and Female political spaces

Aurat march is that time of the year when the regressive patriarchal forces are increasingly visible in Pakistan. Their mission? To stop women from sponsoring immorality in our very own Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The Islamic Society in which daughters are not given their due share in inheritance, where wives are beaten up, sometimes murdered…

“پاکستانی عورت کو مغربی عورت سے زیادہ آزادی حاصل ہے۔”

“پاکستانی عورت کو مغربی عورت سے زیادہ آزادی حاصل ہے۔”

پاکستان میں زبان زدِ عام یہ جملہ کہ ‘پاکستانی عورت کو مغربی عورت سے زیادہ آزادی حاصل ہے’، عورت پر ظلم و جبر کے سوال کا وہ ناقص جواب ہے جس کے پیچھے اس درندہ صفت معاشرے کا ہر مرد چھپنے کی کوشش کرتا ہے۔یہ جواب ایک ایسا جھوٹ ہے جو اس معاشرے کی عورت…

Pakistani Feminists:(Re)claiming Space, Defining Change

Pakistani Feminists:(Re)claiming Space, Defining Change

The Pakistani Aurat is in feist to get what she wants, ready to step out of the safety of her house and join her female-counterparts in seemingly endless conversations and efforts over what the new season will bring. This is the mood that rightfully marks the beginning of a Pakistani Spring. It’s not just to…

Aftermath of anti-harassment march: Islamia college female Students face intimidation and threats

Aftermath of anti-harassment march: Islamia college female Students face intimidation and threats

In the aftermath of a peaceful march against sexual harassment organized by students of Islamia legal Fraternity society on 11 March 2020, students have faced backlash and intimidation by the faculty and administration of the Islamia College Peshawar. Our correspondent talked to Maimoona Zeb, President of Islamia legal Fraternity. Maimoona Zeb told The Student’s Herald…

Aurat March: A step towards a progressive society

Aurat March: A step towards a progressive society

With the Aurat March in sight, the message it symbolises is hard to grasp in our social setting, and its acceptance would remain scant for the time being. For anyone who has read history critically, the reason for this reluctance and hostility towards Aurat March is rather straightforward. The freedom of women, being a concomitant…